after a much-needed hiatus, i have returned with crafty goodness!
The first batch of pickles came out, and apparently i didn't sterilize a few of the jars properly cuz two out of the original eight had some sort of weird sediment in the bottom of the jar.... yeah... i didn't eat those. the other ones were good though. especially the spicy pickles. yum yum yum.
tomorrow i'm making butternut squash soup so i'll let you know how that goes.
on the crochet front, i finished a shrug out of noro garden yarn, and i'm, well, mostly pleased with it. it's my first item EVER with sleeves, but i left it in my office where i was covertly working on it in-between classes, so i'll have to post pictures later.
i also started a hat with the last of my bernat cashmere, some fuzzy curly white yarn (recylced!), and the yarn pauraniente and i dyed with kool-aid last winter. i don't have pictures of that either, but i will when it's done.
but i do have pictures. i finally got bit by the dotee bug. nobody seems to know exactly what they are. i mean, objectively, yes, they are relatively palm-sized dolls, usually with a round face, a hanger, not much distinction in the way of body parts... but what, exactly, are they?
i almost think of them as little prayer dolls, or little goddess dolls, but i guess sometimes you could just have silly ones.
like my Nessa. she's my first dotee! i had just finished reading "alone in the kitchen with an eggplant" and i happened to mention it to my fiance when we were riding in the car. he thought it sounded "quite sinister" and before we knew it, we were making up stories about a vengeful eggplant, in a british accent, with her "jaunty green cap."
so, here's nessa, my murderous eggplant.

she's made of felt with beaded accents and a sculpy knife. oh! and she has a friend, her pet spider leroy.

and here's a shot of her "jaunty green cap." ha, sometimes i crack myself up.

i don't think i'm done with her yet though. i want to add a bit more embroidery to the bottom, in-between the green beads, and also some more embroidery leaf detail on her cap. i have a word bead that says "green," and i'd like to try embroidery the "jaunty cap" phrase on the back, but i already tried once, got halfway through the word jaunty and tore it out because i mostly suck at embroidery.
tomorrow, along with butternut squash, we'll have the triplets, charlie, chelsea, and chester pea.