behold! the lovely, manly creation that busted a needle on my sewing machine!

and here it is untied, partially open...

and all the way open! the black stripes are elastic - the strip around the yellow handles keeps them from falling out the side, and the other strip keeps the flap in place, to keep them from falling out the top.

i'd post a tutorial, but i'm really stinkin' exhausted and my fingers hurt. did i mention i also drew blood (my own) working on this damn thing??? i'm just really glad he likes it.
here's a list of the projects i'm working on:
pink ripple baby blanket for ava (deadline july 28th)
cream bamboo shawl* for moi (deadline june 26, 2010)
4-color afghan
baby quilt
large, um, other quilt (deadline december 25)
invitations* (deadline january 2010)
headpiece* (dealine august)
embellished towels (deadline december 25)
baskets* (deadline june 26, 2010)
coca-cola table
large, um, other quilt, deadline Xmas...
ReplyDeletei'll keep quiet. :P