i can't remember if i saw this exact idea somewhere or if i put two and two together... on craftster they always have bleach stencils, and there was an article in crochet today about using old doilies and trim to revamp shirts... i think it's been done before, so don't quote me as an original (well, i really only have two readers anyway, so nothing to worry about there!)
this was my first go, and i like the way it turned out, though i think the bleaching is a little lopsided... my friend gave me this shirt as i was helping her move (i saved it from the goodwill stash)
try #2: a roxy t-shirt from the 50-80% off bins at our local resale store (its where i got all the shirts for my little experiment, except the previous one). i love this one; whaddaya know, you can bleach over colors! but it will soon be shipped off to colorado ; )
now, my problem is i'm so addicted to the different type of doily shapes and stitches that i want to start MAKING them! and b-e-a-you-tifull as they are, i can't seem to think off any practical applications for them (other than as bleach stencils).
by the by, to "set" the bleach i ran the shirts through the wash with a bunch of white/light kitchen towels the first time around, so none of the bleach would leak onto my clothing. worked great!
i ALSO made fabulous chocolate-chip zucchinni bread today. it's delicious, if i do say so myself. in fact, i'm going to go have some!
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