total price tag? $7.92 and not a single acrylic in the bunch.

then in between laundry loads, and some slight packing for the move, i got this sweater out.

i am so beyond thrilled at this point, but i'm also exhausted. i learned the long tail cast on, which was so much easier than i thought it would be, and to do stockinette stitch and garter stitch! it helps i had a good teacher, who also happens to be left handed :)
we also made dinner tonight! she grilled steak and i made salad: dried apricots cut small, walnuts, feta and dark greens with an Asian vinaigrette. yum.
next time we hang out i should teach her crochet. she want to make little amigurumis. not really my forte, but i know how to crochet in the round, so we're good!
doom update: after doing some quick math, i discovered that the afghan i'm making 80 squares for will only end up about four feet wide. yeah... i'll have to up the total to 120. which means i'm 1/12 of the way done. if i do three squares every day, i'll be done by mid july. this does not include soaking the damn red yarn until it doesn't bleed anymore, blocking, sewing, weaving in what will be something like 260-some ends, and adding a border. we're going to be cutting it close to the wire. i made 5 squares today.
the verdict is still out here... i'm not sure if i like them yet or not. they'll eventually be fish-scale fingerless mitts, but i only have a few rows done as of yet. the multicolored stuff i got in a personal swap; it's really yummy one of a kind yarn. it's a blend of merino, soy silk, tussah silk, mulberry silk and falkland and other wool. this baby chnges colors every few yards! in a side note, i find it ironic that the cat hair on the brown sheets and the sparkle in the pink yarn show up the same, but well, what can you do? the pink is Louisa Harding jasmine yarn: 48% cotton, 39% bamboo, 10% silk and 3% nylon, which i'm assuming is the sparkly stuff. it's probably the nicest cotton yarn i've ever dealt with.
as i continue to lay here in bed, tapping away morosely at the keyboard, it does occur to me that while i may be on the mend from SMS, i am starting to fall under the Tension curse. the baby blanket for my coworker is progressing very nicely... until i fold it in half, longways, and realize that it is slowly getting smaller, and i'm not skipping stitches. what do i do for this? a) lossen up, b) go up a hook size, or c) work on something else for awhile. in all honesty i htink you know which one i'll pick.
i'm headed back to the LYS tomorrow to do some really focused crochet work on one of the wedding afghans, though if i get tired of making 6" squares (11/80 done) i could always "cast on" the other wedding afghan i'm supposed to be working on. wish me luck!