here's a few reasons why tonight is driving me batty. first of all, i have an empty bed. after a year plus of sleeping next to the same person night after night after night, it's pretty hard to get to sleep all by yourself. it's different if you're in a hotel, you know? like if i'm on a trip with some of the band kids, my daring fiance can't be there with me, so there's really no choice in the matter and you might as well sleep. but now, in my own bed... well... he could be home. i won't begrudge him his fun, he doesn't get to go out much, but, i miss him.
second my damn laptop must be on its last leg. first the wireless card went, then the screen started shorting out (i think it's the connection between the screen and the computer body, something to do with the hinge??), now all of the sudden in the last few days it's doing this thing where it refuses to shut down and just sits there "logging off" for eight plus hours, and now tonight it won't connect to the internet at all. so i can't post.
i'll have you all, whoops, the two of you know that i am slowly on the mend from SMS (second mitten syndrome, a derivative of SSS (second slipper/sock syndrome)). behold the body of the second pair of merino post and braid mittens! you know, now that i write that out it sounds kinda morbid... i got the yarn for valentine's day from aforementioned fiance and quite promptly crocheted the first mitten, then, um, sorta... actually, i have no idea why i didn't continue. but there it is - crocheted cables and all. now it just needs sewn, then it needs the cuff, top thumb, and all the ends woven in.

the verdict is still out here... i'm not sure if i like them yet or not. they'll eventually be fish-scale fingerless mitts, but i only have a few rows done as of yet. the multicolored stuff i got in a personal swap; it's really yummy one of a kind yarn. it's a blend of merino, soy silk, tussah silk, mulberry silk and falkland and other wool. this baby chnges colors every few yards! in a side note, i find it ironic that the cat hair on the brown sheets and the sparkle in the pink yarn show up the same, but well, what can you do? the pink is Louisa Harding jasmine yarn: 48% cotton, 39% bamboo, 10% silk and 3% nylon, which i'm assuming is the sparkly stuff. it's probably the nicest cotton yarn i've ever dealt with.
as i continue to lay here in bed, tapping away morosely at the keyboard, it does occur to me that while i may be on the mend from SMS, i am starting to fall under the Tension curse. the baby blanket for my coworker is progressing very nicely... until i fold it in half, longways, and realize that it is slowly getting smaller, and i'm not skipping stitches. what do i do for this? a) lossen up, b) go up a hook size, or c) work on something else for awhile. in all honesty i htink you know which one i'll pick.
i'm headed back to the LYS tomorrow to do some really focused crochet work on one of the wedding afghans, though if i get tired of making 6" squares (11/80 done) i could always "cast on" the other wedding afghan i'm supposed to be working on. wish me luck!
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